Mary Crabtree
Botanical Artist
Living in Colorado since 1980, Mary began studying botanical illustration in 2017 and earned the Denver Botanic Gardens School of Botanical Art and Illustration Certificate with Distinction in 2021. She is currently working toward a Diploma in Botanical Illustration with the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, Scotland (online) and has been accepted by the Royal Horticultural Society, London, UK, to exhibit work at a future RHS show. Mary is a Society of Botanical Artists Fellow and is a member of the American Society of Botanical Artists, the Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists, and the Association of Botanical Artists.
Working in colored pencil, watercolor and graphite, Mary most enjoys illustrating native plants and wildflowers that have a rugged personality that she appreciates and strives to depict. Through her artwork she hopes to highlight the value of these flora in our planet’s ecosystems, focusing attention on the crucial interdependencies of nature.
Mary’s work has been exhibited in London at the Mall Galleries (SBA Plantae 2022) and the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (ABA, digital exhibition); in New York at Wave Hill (ASBA 23rdand 25thInternational Exhibitions);and in Colorado at the Denver Botanic Gardens,Denver; Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, Vail (RMSBA);University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, Boulder (RMSBA); and Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs (RMSBA). Examples of her work can be viewed on the websites of the Society of Botanical Artists and the American Society of Botanical Artists as well as on her Instagram page (@marycrabtreebotanicalartist).
Instagram: @marycrabtreebotanicalartist
